Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Well - I know its been ages but I didn't really have much time while P was out on holiday. I would like to say she had a nice rest but as you know if you have been here, a week really equates to 5 days when travelling accounts for 2 days & as it is so transient here everyone's visit may only happen once you try & cram the whole Dubai experience into such a short time.
As you know from last blog we started off with the 'old' Dubai & culture & then we gradually worked up (or should I say down?) To the modern stuff.
Tuesday saw a bit of a road trip going on with me driving to Abu Dhabi with P & Thelma in order to visit the Grand Mosque. (Thanks to TT who had lent me her car while she was on safari etc in South Africa).
We had H's satnav to help us with the journey but use the word 'help' loosely. We thought we had programmed it to get us there but unfortunately satnav was intent on us being directed to every mosque in Abu Dhabi & let me tell you there are loads so every couple of yards we were told to 'turn right' & is it me or does satnav voice sound cross & gets panicky when you don't take her directions?!!!
Fortunately Thelma had a good idea of how to get there and we made it with a few minutes spare for the guided tour. (After getting dressed) when you visit the Mosque you have to wear an Abaya (black robe) and scarf over your head which is lent to you (all clean from the laundry). Unfortunately they have brought in a new set of hooded robes which were very unflattering & made us look like the Witches From Eastwick (all that was missing was our broomsticks!!!) Think H would have said it was a very apt outfit!
After the Mosque we went to Emirates Palace for lunch which was nice but I feel overrated.
There was a big security/military exhibition on & there were VIPs around & on leaving the Palace, roads were shut etc for their departure. We were at traffic lights with police manning every junction & I unfortunately had a very near miss with one who, when the lights turned green had been caught napping proceeded to jump out in front of me to wave the cars forward (he cannot have seen me as he was looking beyond our car) I slammed the brakes on & stopped with about a fag paper between car bumper & his knees!!! - he was still oblivious, waving his stick to move on the traffic which couldn't move because I was stopped!! Anyway fortunately I got round him & got away without any further incident!
I won't bore you with every detail of P's visit but will pop back here & there over the next few days as I think of things that may be of interest. Suffice to say I really enjoyed having her here & finally able to give her a real snapshot of my life here & I hope for her a change is as good as a rest as she certainly deserves a rest!!
I am getting geared up for my visit home to the UK on sunday - looking forward to seeing everyone but most definitely not looking forward to the weather!!!
As with all visits home I have started my shopping list of things I need to bring back and it is getting longer by the minute & that is without the mandatory Primark visit!!!! And not forgetting English Galaxy chocolate (mainly for H I have to say!).
Anyway will try & fill you in on a bit more of the last couple of weeks over the next few days!

Before I go I must just mention that it is now 2 years since I lost my most amazing beautiful Mum & I miss her today as much as ever!!
Love Jane

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