Sunday, 20 January 2013

Hi All,

Yesterday, H & I managed to spend £2k in the taxi on the way to the pub!!! How? You may well ask....... Eldest son has found his first car!

Had a great time at the pub watching the football yesterday. One of the lads brought his wife along & it was great - we all used to go to the same pub in uk before kids! Small world!! They had us in stitches with tales of their pet parrot who doesn't like anyone except J. It particularly dislikes their daughter's boyfriend - bet you trained the parrot to attack him J!! Lol
Anyway great evening especially the baby guinesses - & even better S didn't like the tia maria bit so I had to finish hers off for her!

And a special thanks to Ralph our fab waiter who always makes sure my glass is never empty!!!

Went to Abu Dhabi early this morning with my friend S - so much more traditional than Dubai, makes me realise I wouldn't want to live there! So much more covered up here than in Dubai!
S was telling me that when she worked here a few years back it was a female only office so all the girls would remove their face veils at work except for one but, after 6 months or so she finally removed it & apparently as soon as she left the room all the women said - 'can see why she keeps that face covered!!!'
A Policewoman just came in - their uniform here (for those at home) is a maxi skirt, long jacket, a snood-type thing with a beret on top. Ahh, bless, this one must have her dad's jacket on, its so long its down to her knees & only the tips of her fingers are out of the sleeves!!! Reminds me of the first day the schools go back after the summer break & all the kids are walking down the road in the uniforms that 'they will grow into!!'
Anyway bye for now

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