Saturday, 26 January 2013

Sundowners at Barasti to watch the Brunch Brigade! As H & I were waiting for the others to arrive what should we see but 2 Roman gladiators! (Bit different to last weeks tutu!)
Unfortunately that was really as good as it got but I will share an absolute cracker from several months ago.

For expats you can move on but for everyone else there follows info on brunch.....

Brunch is an alcohol & food fest that is beyond your wildest dreams!!! It usually consists of eat & drink as much as you like in 3 or 4 hours, (betwen noon & 4) coupled with the sun it makes for quite a spectacle.
Many brunchers 'move on' after to various bars around the city (because obviously 3or 4 hours of gluttony is just not enough! Lol)
Barasti is a beach bar that is a popular post brunch venue.

Anyway we were watching the brunch brigade 'doing the walk' (this is the 'I'm not p****ed, just walking carefully' walk) - the concentration on the faces of the most p'd is fantastic & don't forget the women have the added issue of 'fashion' to deal with such as tight dresses & great big platforms & sky scraper heels!

Everyone is in various states of drunkenness & at Barasti there is an outside pool that is never used & is barriered off to stop the drunks going in. (We all think it should be filled in as its never used).

There was a crowd of rowdy revellers with a particularly fat, gobby female (lady is not appropriate) there. Anyway Gobby decided she was going to go poolside of the barrier & a male friend was coercing her back, suggesting it wasn't a good idea, security would throw her out as it wasn't allowed etc when Gobby retorted in a shouty voice 'NO ONE'S TELLING ME WHAT TO F***ING DO' etc & this was accompanied with much waving of the arms & pointing.
At that moment in full swing we discovered that there is a god! Yep you guessed it she fell backwards straight into the pool with the most almighty splash!!!!
With that, security came round to the steps to get her out but as she reached the paved area she marched off & shrugging off attempts to help her she flew backwards & landed flat on her back!!!
I have never heard such a loud slapping noise nor have I laughed so much!!

Good job she was so fat & p***ed otherwise it would have really hurt!

I will leave you with that image & hopefully see you tomorrow.

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