Sunday, 20 January 2013

Hi everyone, (especially number one 1 fan who I shall call Posh),

Feel really cheesed off for eldest son _ his course has been cancelled, flipping b******s!!!!!!!

Today I want to tell you about a very difficult task Cat Woman has to perform. Some of you will have experienced this situation or may have to in the future.

Now, Cat Woman has to provide the hospital with a stool sample, no not one from Ikea!! This, on the surface seems quite an easy thing to do but she is not someone who 'goes' everyday. It also has to be 'fresh' & the hospital where she has to take it is at least an hour away. This request resulted in Cat Woman having a discussion with the doctor:-

CW - 'what is fresh?'

Dr - '2 hours'

CW - 'I live a good hour away'

Dr - 'Can't you do one now?'

CW - 'I don't even go everyday, I can't do one to order'

Dr - 'Maybe when you come for your scan & are here for a while you could do one then?'

And so the conversation went on - you get the idea.

Cat Woman has a further appointment next week so will be carefully preparing her diet to try & ensure that the task can be performed that morning & along with me & the pot of poo will race through the desert to make the deposit within the 2 hour time scale!!!
Let us hope the legendary traffic jams here don't happen on that particular morning otherwise all that effort will go to 'waste' & have to be flushed!
Wish us luck!
Anyway must go as I have a very boozy lunch to go to today with lots of ladies who will be wearing a wide variety of hats!

Love Jane

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